Back to the events of the weekend, so we took a break on Saturday afternoon and headed to the Delta in Stockton to watch the weigh in at Weber Point for the "Duel in the Delta" tournament sponsored by the Bassmaster Elite Series. KP is an avid angler himself and was in true heaven this weekend. It was an altogether good time, we watched about 50 pro angler's and 50 co-angler's (amateur angler's from all over the US, many from local town's right here in the valley) weigh in one at a time. They narrowed down the top 50 to the 12 elite. Those 12 took on the waters of the San Joaquin Delta on Sunday for the final day, where California native and fan favorite Aaron Martens took first including a pocket full of change over $100,000.
After the weigh in we had a chance to mingle and shake hands with some of Bass fishing's top anglers. We met so many awesome anglers and some of our favorites included Skeet Reese, Aaron Martens, Kevin VanDam, rookie Derek Remitz, and longtime pro Denny Brauer.
Bassmaster Rookie Derek Remitz, it was easy to see he wasn't quite used to all the hype of being a pro angler, not just yet anyway. He ended up placing 2nd in the three day event, way to go Derek!
Tournament first place went to California native and fan favorite Aaron Martens.
Also a fan favorite and California native, Skeet Reese.
At the end of day 3 the 12 elite anglers gathered on stage for photos. I caught this shot as they were leaving to prepare for day 4, the final day. Can't wait for next year, KP has plenty of time to prepare himself to participate as a co-angler, especially since he rocks the Delta waters. I have encouraged him to apply, I mean how awesome would it be to see him live a dream? I would honestly love nothing more that to see him on that stage next year. If anyone deserves a shot at this it's him, KP=Good Man.
Sweet dreams my friends...xo
i took on landscaping once, it lasted about 1 year and i gave in to the weeds, floods, drought, etc.....maybe when i retire, lol!!!!
p.s. sweet dreams to you too dearie!!!!
We are landscaping to what eally helps us is that Dave works in the industry and gets goods a little cheaper. I used to LOVE fishing I used to go with my ex and catch crabs flatheads bream etc......I do remember those days. Now I would never go fishing the bravest I get is the fish markets. I am glad your blogging again do you know I get cranky with you cause I check in regularly and I think aaaahhhh jillian stop having a life and blog abit more!!!! Can you post some of your LO's next time especially for me I am busting to see what you have created lately!!!!
take care wonderful friend nicole irvin
ooohh I just read my post I hope I didnt sound rude???I'm not being rude I hope!! My spellings bad to whoopsie!!
xoxoxo nicole irvin
my dad would've loved this event! he went out and got his fishing license for the year too - he's all ready for the nice weather. sorry about your weather ickies. hope you get to really break out those flip flops. =)
smiles, me
Looks like a fun weekend! I have to say I'm the fisherwoman in my family! We go up to 'Loon Lake' here in BC and troll around the waters and catch rainbow trout! It's a lot of fun, and I always seem to catch more than Canaan! And i can't wait to start wearing flipflops again! I think it'll be another month or 2, or I'll have frozen little toes!
sounds like a wonderful's been rainy here too (which delights me!) but spring is here for sure!
and i must agree with nicole...i am selfish and think you should blog daily :) you know, to keep me happy! glad you're back!
I just had a landscape designer here today to help me w/ ideas for sprucing things up a bit.
She pointed out many, many things we did wrong. Next time, we WILL (hear that, Todd? LOL) be investing in a plan/design as we are obviously clueless. :)
Fishing? I know about fishing. I used to love going fishing with my Dad & brother.
Fond memories of trying to jump over a creek & not quite making it to the other end.
Nothin' but wet shoes & a grumpy attitude that time. :)
DH loves ice fishing, as do all the little ones.
He also hopes to make some time to go fishing at the lake this summer.
Good luck to KP -- I say "go for it" also! :)
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