Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Something's Different...Skulls, Etsy and A Little White Sharpie

I know this is a bit overdue, but for what it's worth, I'd like to introduce my new Banner! I had been wanting to get one up there forever but afraid to tackle html, I put it off. Well, it was not as hard as I thought it woud be. I think it spruces up my page a bit, and it really makes me happy. I am finally official!
I have also added a link to my etsy shop, so if you have a minute, stop on in to Just One Girl you can link to it here, but also from the sidebar now. That's another thing that's been neglected on my "To Do" List, getting my handbags on Etsy. In a previous post Funtastically Yummy Fabrics I had showcased some of the beautiful fabrics for the Fall bags, and promised to get them up soon, well I have finally done so. I make One of a Kind handbags and sell at my local craft shows and by word of mouth, and by way of walking advertisement, me. Each one completely different from the next. They come in many styles, from formal rich fabrics to hip and the one I have been carrying these days (pictured above), complete with a skull design fabric, rhinestone butterfly brooch, black lace and a "Rock On" pocket snippet from some old jeans. It's very fun, and I'm convinced it's a crowd fav. I have already sold quite a few from my complete Fall collection, there are still a few left in the shop. I plan to get working on some more very soon. As a matter of fact I am introducing a new bag, called the "Bella Bag" after my daughter. (I will be adding a few to my shop in the next several weeks) She just loves to carry around my handbags and since they usually drag behind her, I thought why not make one her size? She absolutely loves it, she fills it with all her little people, squeezes in her favorite stuffed piggy and totes it around the house wherever she goes. She insisted on taking it to the grocery store yesterday, that's my girly girl!!

Some of you were wondering where to get a white Sharpie. Well, back when I was in search of one myself, I looked around locally and had no luck. I ended up finding them online at Discount Office Supplies where they have great customer service and quick shipping!

Happy Hump Day Friends!!


Anonymous said...

Wow jillian they are gorgeous bags!!!! Love the skull one especially!!!
love nicole irvin

nicole said...

jillian - you are a lady of many talents. the part about bella carrying a bag around is too cute. amelia does the same thing. guess we have girly girls, don't we.
all the best!
aka...nikki g

Kimber-Leigh said...

can't wait to see the bella bags! hadleigh might need one :) and thanks for the tip on the sharpie!

susannah said...

I echo what the other girls have said, your bags are great! Wish I had the time and the talent to do something creative like that!

Anonymous said...

Very cool bags, Jillian.
Very cool. :)

kristina contes said...

Oh that skull bag kills it!!!

Lynn said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the banner! Great pics, enjoyed reading your blog, total talent girl!!

Anne Thompson said...

Your banner looks awesome. I still have to tackle that myself! I absolutely love your bag, it's very cool, no wonder they're sold out!

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, LOVE those bags!!! I'm off to check out your store now.

And love the new banner too :)