Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Deck the Halls with *ChRisTmAs jOy*

For some reason the spirit of Christmas really hit me today. Today my step was filled with a Merry-bubbly sort of dance! For starters, I decided to get my "full body shot" today...... of our Christmas Tree of course! I am also showcasing two other small areas of Christmas joy which fill our home this season. My ornament for day #6 in the advent of ornament's with the Poppy Ink girlies is of all things, an owl. He has been with us a couple of years now and coincidently fits right in with the owl obsession which took over Poppy Ink about a month or so ago. There is no significant meaning behind him (poor little guy), he was just another unique addition to my growing glass ornament collection. (Did I mention I have become my Mother?) Speaking of my Mother, she took this cool photo of me, and I thought it portrayed my holiday spirit exactly! She is a good Mom, the best Mom a girl could ever have, more loving and thoughtful than you can imagine. Ok, here I go.....since I am all juiced up on holiday joy(I warned you) and in light of sentimantal holiday spirit lets play this game just for a moment. "You know you have a wondeful Mother when....." You are all of 30 years old and your Mother still says the following to you. Don't park next to vans, don't go out after dark by yourself-anywhere-ever. Don't drink Diet Pepsi for breakfast! It's pretty cold outside, better grab your coat....she sure keep me on my toes, but you know what? I don't mind one bit, matter of fact, I really do love that about her, and if she didn't do it something would be wrong. Ok, one last thing about Mom (and Dad too), I have to credit them for the fabulous NOEL sign atop my rustic hutch and cupboard (the one in the mirror). I know it's backwards, but cool nonetheless. Unbeknownst to me they had spotted it at Costco about 2 weeks ago. Mom and I were out last week and stopped at a cute little coffee shop we frequent. It was part of their holiday window decor and I gushed over how great it was. Sure enough, Mom and Dad came by the very next day with an early Christmas present, I absolutely LOVE my new "NOEL", not to mention that I had the most perfect spot for it! Thanks Mom & Dad, you never cease to love every bit of me with everything you have. And it's not just in the things you buy me, those are material things (nice-yes), but they are just things. Things sometimes get lost in the shuffle, things we sometimes outgrow, things are just that "things" and you can't take them with you when you go. What's more special to me than anything is your love and support for me, it has never ever wavered. I am a lucky girl to have such wonderful parents, thank you again (she said in a teary-eyed, choked up, sentimental sort of way...) I love you!


Anonymous said...

Oh girlie PRESENTS all ready!!! I am so behind. :O) Your home looks so festive, love it!

Kimber-Leigh said...

your home looks beautiful...and the owl is adorable!

what a sweet post about your parents too...i'm so thankful for mine too!

Anonymous said...

everything looks fab-o!! your stuffs will be in the mail monday!!
p.s. what are the snowflake frames on your owlie pic???