Friday, December 29, 2006

*MeRRy & bRigHt* Christmas Wishes

First of all, I would like to say that I hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas. I know, I am 5 days late, and I'd like to say that I had every intention to send my wishes on or before Christmas Day, however I came down with an awful cold, turned Flu. So, needless to say I have been feeling under the weather and not so chipper at the keyboard. Believe it or not, but I am still battling this nasty monster and I sure can't wait to kick it. What a fabulous way to end the year, argh!

On another note, I have so much to discuss (like my new banner, my etsy shop, etc.) I think I will save it for next time, so fair warning peeps next post shall be quite lengthy and all over the board.

For today I want to leave you with a couple of LO's from the Poppy Ink, Nearly Noel kit. I really loved this kit, and I extra super loved that the colors were not traditional Christmassy colors of Red's and Green's. Love those too, but the feeling that this was a bit risky for me made it sooooo very fun! Of course I nabbed all the add on's too--how could I resist all the yummy bling?

It's true, Bella & I have been in our PJ's for the last week straight, except for Christmas that is. (See cutie Patootie in PJ's above) We finally got all gussied up today all to find out that we still weren't feeling quite 100% yet, oh well, there's always tomorrow....but this photo sure makes it all better!

Until then, much happy goodness.

Monday, December 18, 2006

And the Winner is....

Thank you so much for all who visited my blog and participated in the RAK! Your stories kept all of us smiling and hubby and I even got some good ideas for next years white elephant gifts, teehee! Bella (the one with the crazy sheep dog hair in her face because she lost her bow at Target today) picked the lucky winners.

Ok, a huge Congrats to both Nikkig and StaceyFike who each scored a fabulous pack of goodies. Ok girls, when you get a minute please e-mail me your mailing addresses so that I can send off your goodies, hopefully tomorrow. This was my first RAK and really, thanks to all for making it loads of fun. I look forward to having one every couple of months or so, it helps to organize my trinkets, but especially because sharing goodness is always a good thing, what do ya say?

**1 week exactly until Christmas Day, enjoy the next few days if you can!**

Many smiles,

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In Honor of Generosity... It's RAK Time!!!

In honor of the generosity of my favorite girlies, the Poppy's, I am giving away some fun trinkets from my stash of goodness! I should warn you in advance that I have never done this before so I truly hope I have put together a super packet of goodies for you! A few days ago I thanked Happy Girl Stacey, she was giving away some fun journaling goodies and I am thrilled to say I won! Well then a few days later my friend Kimber-Leigh was feeling in the giving spirit also and was having a little RAK party at her homefront New Every Morning. As I left a comment for her I thought there was no chance I could possibly win two RAK'S in a row, and I did!!!! Thanks ladies for the contagious, wonderful Spirit of Giving you have inspired here.

Ok, I took this picture a few days ago and after I had disassembled my display, I decided that if I add a few more things I could have enough for two RAK's-so back into my stash I went. Some items are not pictured, but trust me you will not be disappointed, among the goodies are some of my favorites... lace remnants, white sharpie, alphabet rub-on's, red velvet flower's, and fun journaling bits from various notepads. I almost want to sign up myself--teehee! Ok, so here's how to participate...

Last night we hosted a Christmas Party for our Small Group. We did the whole White Elephant gift exchange, it was pretty fun actually. (Luckily, no one brought any Depend's, like they did at Mom & Dad's gift exch.) Kp and I were able to steal some great gifts, and I am proud to say that the gifts we brought were each stolen and retired quickly! Ok, so the question is what, if any is the best or worst white elephant gift you have received/been stuck with? If you have never done White Elephant, just leave me some kind of happy comment and you will be entered to win a fab pack of goodness! Two RAK's=Two separate winners! Bella and I will draw and post the winner's on Monday afternoon, I figure we could all use a Monday pick-me-up. Have fun and good luck!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

When Piggies Fly

Advent of Ornament update, featuring day #10:

I used to have a funny little piggy collection, not sure how it started or why, but I have since stopped collecting. I still have a few I'll find here and there in my stuff. Anyhow, I just couldn't resist this darling flying piggy ornie, just a fun part of my Christmas decor. You have heard people say, "When Pigs Fly" well here you go folks......don't forget, you saw it here!

Also, I am so excited to be the winner of Happy Girl Stacey's Blog RAK! Stacey rounded up some fun looking journaling goodies and I participated and to my surprise t'was my lucky day, Yipee! Thanks a million Stacey!! She has inspired me and I am in the mood for one myself. Stay tuned for an upcoming RAK here, hopefully I will have it up by Friday!

Happy thoughts to all!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Deck the Halls with *ChRisTmAs jOy*

For some reason the spirit of Christmas really hit me today. Today my step was filled with a Merry-bubbly sort of dance! For starters, I decided to get my "full body shot" today...... of our Christmas Tree of course! I am also showcasing two other small areas of Christmas joy which fill our home this season. My ornament for day #6 in the advent of ornament's with the Poppy Ink girlies is of all things, an owl. He has been with us a couple of years now and coincidently fits right in with the owl obsession which took over Poppy Ink about a month or so ago. There is no significant meaning behind him (poor little guy), he was just another unique addition to my growing glass ornament collection. (Did I mention I have become my Mother?) Speaking of my Mother, she took this cool photo of me, and I thought it portrayed my holiday spirit exactly! She is a good Mom, the best Mom a girl could ever have, more loving and thoughtful than you can imagine. Ok, here I go.....since I am all juiced up on holiday joy(I warned you) and in light of sentimantal holiday spirit lets play this game just for a moment. "You know you have a wondeful Mother when....." You are all of 30 years old and your Mother still says the following to you. Don't park next to vans, don't go out after dark by yourself-anywhere-ever. Don't drink Diet Pepsi for breakfast! It's pretty cold outside, better grab your coat....she sure keep me on my toes, but you know what? I don't mind one bit, matter of fact, I really do love that about her, and if she didn't do it something would be wrong. Ok, one last thing about Mom (and Dad too), I have to credit them for the fabulous NOEL sign atop my rustic hutch and cupboard (the one in the mirror). I know it's backwards, but cool nonetheless. Unbeknownst to me they had spotted it at Costco about 2 weeks ago. Mom and I were out last week and stopped at a cute little coffee shop we frequent. It was part of their holiday window decor and I gushed over how great it was. Sure enough, Mom and Dad came by the very next day with an early Christmas present, I absolutely LOVE my new "NOEL", not to mention that I had the most perfect spot for it! Thanks Mom & Dad, you never cease to love every bit of me with everything you have. And it's not just in the things you buy me, those are material things (nice-yes), but they are just things. Things sometimes get lost in the shuffle, things we sometimes outgrow, things are just that "things" and you can't take them with you when you go. What's more special to me than anything is your love and support for me, it has never ever wavered. I am a lucky girl to have such wonderful parents, thank you again (she said in a teary-eyed, choked up, sentimental sort of way...) I love you!

Monday, December 04, 2006

My Little Cutie Patootie

As I was uploading these pics to blogger, I am sitting here thinking about what to journal. I had to laugh at myself, while we did visit Historical Old Town Columbia on Saturday, I have chosen to post only photos which do not portray the wonderful town whatsoever! I am just so stinkin biased when it comes to my sweet little Bella Moon, and she made for some great photo's that day. I guess it's a good thing blogger only lets me post 5 at a time, other we could easily be here all day! I have squeezed in a family shot taken by my wonderful Mother, thanks Tootsie! The town was celebrating it's annual Miner's Christmas. The participating towns people were clothed in period attire, even roasting chestnuts over a campfire right in the middle of town. The horse drawn stagecoach made several rounds through town all day, it was an authentic portrayl of life in the mining days where you can even pan for gold in the designated mining area. The fascinating architecture of the glorious old buildings was a great attraction, as I have a soft spot for vintage style anything, even fabulous old buildings.

More ornaments to follow..... Much happiness until then!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

"Our First Christmas" Ornament

The first ornament is pretty special, and it really does speak for itself. It serves to happily commemorate our first Christmas together (2 years ago). Hubby and I thought it symbolized us to a T! And since we were on the subject of cute cuddly snowman, thought I'd share two ornie's today. I didn't get a chance to post one for day two in our advent of ornaments at Poppy Ink and that of course brings me to my next point, I will try very hard to post every 2-3 days for the advent (just in case you are interested in my next surprise of an ornament). I hope the weekend was happy all the way around. It is important for us to make the most of family time together weekend by weekend! I am completely overjoyed with each new expedition.... oh for the memories. Sometimes historical, mostly local spots and hidden sanctuary's. I have always felt it a great chance to broaden my horizons and the perfect way to spend much necessary together time with my very best! That being said, be sure to tune in for tomorrow's post for photos from our visit to Downtown Columbia, CA for their Miner's Christmas festivities.

Thank you so much for sharing in my holiday spirit, and as always many smiles to all for stopping in!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Hot Chocolate Anyone?

I have joined my fellow Poppy Pals in the Advent of Ornaments, here is #1. Wouldn't you agree that it is the most beautiful cup of Hot Chocolate you've ever seen? It was one of my first glass ornaments when I began to decorate my own home. Growing up, we would pack our Christmas Tree full of almost 200 ornaments. Just about all were delicate glass beauties, they were My Mother's favorite. Of course I would enjoy it all Holiday long, and it was always more beautiful each year. (I am not even going to mention that part about how we had several Christmas trees of all sizes in just about every room of the house). Oh how I used to dread the packing away part after Christmas, it seemed like it would take forever to wrap each individual ornament. Funny how life comes full circle, after hubby and I decorated the tree this year I said to myself, "I think I have become my mother!" I didn't even ask what he thought, some things are better left unsaid! My best memory so far this year, he and Bella sat next to the tree and unwrapped each ornament while I hung them. It was so stinkin cute each time he had just about unwrapped the ornament, she stood over him eagerly waiting to see it and faithfully followed each time with the most precious ooooh's and ahhhs! It was priceless! I do look forward to seeing her very own Christmas Tree someday....until then I am sure she will be a handy little helper the same way I used to. She is truly a girl after my own heart!

Happy Friday to all!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Little Bear Creek Tree Farm

We spent last Saturday at the Little Bear Creek Tree Farm in the quaint mountain town of Alta, CA. Although hubby and I recently invested in a fabulous, pre-lit, 9ft artificial beauty, we were happy to accompany my brother and his family to their annual tree cutting ceremony. It was an altogether great time! Little Bear Creek Tree Farm has restored several 1950's era Willys Jeeps that transport you through the forest to an area where you can choose and cut down your own Christmas tree. After selecting the "perfect" tree, you head back down the hill, where you can have your tree netted to transport home. We enjoyed ourselves visiting, while sipping hot cider and of course took a moment to browse around the cozy gift shop. The uber inviting and crackling campfire was a popular spot that afternoon, there was much to see and do. I can't wait to return next year and make it an annual trip each year!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

**HAppY THaNkSgiViNg**

Ahh, the hustle and bustle that accompanies me this time every's great isn't it? KP and I are hosting the feast this year, and we have 20 people, including ourselves coming over! Did I mention that Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday, and how much I love that house-full feeling, family, fellowship, fun and fabulously tasty food. It all comes together just right when you look around and pause to remember all that you have you be thankful for, you silently look to God and thank him for the abundant blessings he has so graciously provided throughout the year. During this time of year I am reminded of just fortunate I am, for everything I have. My family, my health, my home--the things most important to me. God is my rock, my solid foundation for life. He is a good God, loving and forgiving. Thank you Lord for being the gracious, loving awesome God you are, I thank you for guiding my life and walking with me each day.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all, I wish for you a wonderful holiday with family and friends!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Jillian Paddack Photography

Having fun with my photography! Bella has been my number one subject, thanks baby girl!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Trick or Treat

All hail Princess Bella....she is an absolute doll!!! She really took to Halloween, she had such fun and plenty of ohhh's and ahhh's! I know I am biased, but oh she was too adorable! Well, we succeeded in a funfilled first Halloween. Thank's so much baby girl for making Mommy's 30th one to remember.

Halloween will come and go every year, and contumes will change each time, but you will always be my precious little Princess. Love n' kisses to you!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

**HAppY BIRthDaY To ME**

Oh, woopsie....almost forgot, today is my 30th Birthday! I always knew once I had children and a family of my own that October 31st would be reserved for Halloween activities and trick-or-treating......that's ok though! Needless to say, Kevin and I are very excited to take Princess Bella out to celebrate her first official Halloween. Our church will be holding a Halloween Carnival, should be lots of smiles & candy!

So for my Birthday, we are heading to Yosemite this weekend to celebrate, I've never been --totally thrilled!!!! In the meantime, have a safe and Happy Halloween!!! Be sure to check out the post below, it is also from today..........

Happy PUmPkin PAtcH Day!!

We have been to the pumkin patch about 3 times already, had camera troubles the first time. You know what that means though? Time for a new camera, Yay! Bella had such fun running around in the hay. Although she wasn't too sure about the corn maze, she made it down about 20 feet, then decided maybe not. She is such fun at 15 months, she forever keeps us smiling and laughing!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Big Funky Button's

Once upon a time during an afternoon shopping trip to my local Walmart. Really, I was there for a purpose, (typically Target is my store of choice), but somehow that day I was drawn to Walmart. In deseparate search of a replacement blade for my Fiskar Rotary Cutter (refer to previous blog post). Of course I found myself crusing the Craft/Fabric area for new and exciting embellies. There they were, staring at me....calling out to me. Ok, so I am a little crazy, but I just couldn't resisit these super adorable buttons and as always I must share my latest fab find. oh, did I mention they come in several colors and styles. "Ahh, the possibilities", she thought. Until my next fab find.......

Monday, October 23, 2006

Funtastically Yummy Fabrics

Well here they are.... announcing the newest fabrics for my fall handbag line. Ok, so they are somewhat Springy, but I figured we could all use a little sunshine this winter, right? I will be posting photos of the handbags shortly, so you'll have to stay tuned. To my Poppy Ink buddies who like myself, can't resist the message boards. If you liked the owl handbag from the PI message board post Crying in My Beer you're sure to love these one of a kinds! They are handmade (by me, Just a Girl) with love and the really cool thing is that no two are alike. Here's the scoop, I have an upcoming show in mid November and am working around the clock to get as many completed as I can without going insane. For the time being my house is serving major double duty, home sweet home/sewing studio. A special thanks to my mother for her help and support and to my dear hubby and sweet baby girl as they never know what I have in store around here. Lotsa love to you all! Once again, don't forget to check back soon for photos of the new line. It's funtastically yummy!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Treasure Hunting

Is it just me or is there something about Garage Sales, Flea Markets and Second Hand Stores that makes your heart skip a beat? I just love (almost) anything second hand, and never fail to find another hidden treasure to squeeze into my home. I don't make it out too often, but when I do, I just can't wait to share all about my fabulous finds. It was the Friday before last, while out with the two best Garage Sale buddies a girl could have (My Mom & Bella) we stopped by a local spot called Sue's Country Barn. They open a couple of times a year, and sell the most fabulous goodies right out of an old rustic but very chic barn. Needless to say I snagged some pretty yummy stuff! As you can see, even Bella had fun browsing. We couldn't ignore the most festive fall set up just outside the entrance. Faithfully as to never miss a photo op, we of course took full advantage of the beautiful scenery, pumpkins and all!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Chico State

A Trip Back in Time

Seven years later, and it hadn't changed a bit. I never realized just how strange I would feel pulling back into town. I immediately thought about all the great times I had back in the day. I was feeling a cross between happy and sad, almost melancholy. I can't begin to explain my college days... but I knew that while I was there for this short visit, there were a few places I had to see again for sure. After lunch at La Familia, (love those huge meal size tostadas) we headed through town. Our first stop was by Sigma Kappa. I just had to snap a photo of my good old sorrority house. We took a drive by the old Beta house just for kicks. The yellow house on third, and the porch was just as I remembered it... adorned with beer bottles and party paraphenelia galore. We couldn't forget Riley's or 5 & I either. It was off to Lulu's next, my favorite trendy little boutique on Main in beautiful downtown Chico. Of course I couldn't leave without a souvenier, an infamous Lulu's T-shirt, and a few other must haves. Our last stop was the campus. As beautiful as ever and of course just as I had remembered it. All I could think was "Welcome to Mommy's college Bella." Boy was my mind racing to capture a moment in time, any random moment from my good old college days. Ok, so Chico State was a wonderful time in my life, something I'll have forever. It was good to be back that day, the familar sound of the town and the campus made it seem like just yesterday. The many memories I made at Chico are no doubt, beyond measure. Thanks CSUC!!